Memories of Ganges

Memories of HMS Ganges.
Posted on MAY 21ST 2024 by irishroverpei

This is one of those days when I’m feeling my 85 years, no energy, aching joints and unsteady feet. In my chair I reminisce about those long ago times at Ganges. It was March 1956, my division were in the last days of training. For weeks our guard had drilled and drilled, our GI (Gunnery instructor) was hard to satisfy. Nevertheless, we were as ready as we were ever going to be. I was the guard commander, no I didn’t volunteer, I was told. On parade that chilly Sunday morning I was to say the least, extremely nervous. With sword in hand I had to march smartly to the dias and ask permission to march passed. I had to give the order to begin the parade moving off. Would my voice be loud enough? Would I choke at the crucial moment? It was a terrifying time tempered with a certain amount of pride in my achievement. We did well and our GI in a rare moment praised our accomplishments. It was an exciting time in those closing days of training. We enjoyed a day trip to Norwich which was our reward for completing the hardest year of our lives. This had been our graduation, our passing out parade but of course it was never referred to as such. We were now considered ready and qualified to join the fleet as sailors. My classmates and I were anxiously awaiting our draft orders, which ship ,where we’d be stationed and so on. My draft never arrived, instead I’d been promoted to Instructor Boy and would return to the Annex for three more months. We never questioned orders at Ganges, so it was the Annex for me. My feelings were mixed, all my classmates were going to sea. When my turn would eventually arrived I’d be shipped out with boys I didn’t know. Naturally there was an element of pride in being selected to the highest boys rating at Ganges. As such we enjoyed a few minor privileges like duty free cigarettes, (blue liners!) and a little more freedom. There was no question working in the Annex was very hard and nearly a 24 hour work day. Instructor Boys were first up and last to bed, in between we were expected to always be smartly turned out. My time did eventually arrive and I was flown out to the Far East for two years aboard HMS Cockade. My first ship and truly the best ship or submarine I ever sailed in throughout my career. However, looking back on that hard year of training I know I’d not change a thing, I’d do it all over again in a heart beat. I have never experienced a feeling of more pride than standing on the Ganges parade square on that long ago morning in 1956. Indeed it is my privilege and pride to call myself a Ganges Boy. God Bless and keep reading

Author of LILY & ME , and THE ROYAL NAVY & ME
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About irishroverpei

Author of "Lily & Me", "The Royal Navy & Me" and Chapter XXl Armageddon. Writer, blogger and RN Submariner, antique automobile enthusiast.
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