It is disgusting! Hunger Strike

Disgusting indeed, both Liberal and Conservatives should be ashamed, during the PNP heyday these greedy people grabbed and ran with bags of cash. Tripping over each other filling their pockets. Bring as many immigrants as possible, the more the merrier, the more cash. This money grabbing circus began with Pat Binns PCs and continued thru the Ghiz era and beyond.
Now these same greedy shameless individuals are saying, wait we have too many Immigrants, we will have to send many home. We cant handle so many hapless second class workers. We will keep the useful ones, medical, construction, engineers etc, the rest must go. How can these elected individuals keep straight faces and make such statements. This is the most shameful action I have ever seen perpetrated by our elected government. These poor hopeless immigrants are now sitting outside the government house on a hunger strike. What has happened to this beautiful Province, to our claim to be warm friendly people. Are we to allow these disgraceful politicians to have their way and kick these people out? Why wasn’t all the PNP monies not applied to health care and housing. We know why, too many people in control stole the money for their own interests. Please tell your MLAs this is wrong, unfair, you have broken faith with our new citizens. Please share this far and wide.
God Bless and keep reading
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About irishroverpei

Author of "Lily & Me", "The Royal Navy & Me" and Chapter XXl Armageddon. Writer, blogger and RN Submariner, antique automobile enthusiast.
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