The New Kitten

Well,  we are all getting use to our new edition to the family. Yesterday when we first rescued him I gave him the name Lucky. He was indeed very lucky to survive after being thrown from a fast moving truck. Today, we decided to rename him/her, Murphy a name that can be applied to either male or female. We are not sure yet what he/she is? Murphy is a new family member to whom not all our resident animals are not too sure about. Rosie likes Murphy, Little Bear is indifferent, and Misha is scared of him. Poor Misha is very sensitive and it will take him a while to adjust. Today wasn’t a good one Misha was sick three times, but seems more settled now.  Now we are waiting for an appointment with the vet, I suspect Murphy has fleas, maybe worms, we have flea treatment but haven’t used it as he/she is so tiny and thin, decided to await what the vet recommends. Bottom line, he/she is comfortable well fed and cared for, will keep you up to date as Murphys new life unfolds.

God Bless and keep reading.

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About irishroverpei

Author of "Lily & Me", "The Royal Navy & Me" and Chapter XXl Armageddon. Writer, blogger and RN Submariner, antique automobile enthusiast.
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3 Responses to The New Kitten

  1. Francis Gallant says:

    I always thought that when an animal was brought into the atmosphere where others were already established the established ones became very territorial. There are various individual reactions but territorial doesn’t seem to be the case here.

    If you had kept the name, Lucky, it coukd have been Lucky Rogers. Murphy could be called Murphy Brown if female but Murphy Rogers sounds fine.

  2. Francis Gallant says:

    My mistake. I meant “Rodgers”.

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