How We Vote

Each Liberal or PC government have always depended on one important fact. People forget the past corruption and or lies. These same Liberal/PCs come to your door during the election campaign. All smiles and loaded with promises if we vote them in power again. The people of PEI have been fooled again and again. People like Tim Banks have much criticism about the Green Party, and if wasn’t them it would the NDP or the Island Party. The reason, his lucrative grants and contracts would suddenly disappear. There is little difference between the PCs or Liberals, they look after each other. You may disagree, but patronage continues and if one loses his patronage job, he might wait a month or so then find another government job/appointment. It is an ever rolling system of holding power, they have the money because they are funded by the big corporations. They cater to the Irving’s the Tim Banks, their friends in high places. They are controlled by their back room boys, lawyers and bankers. As long as we keep believing their lies we will continue to live under their thumbs. It is surely worth thinking about change. I’m not suggesting how you vote, but it is perhaps time we tried something new. There are at least three other options plus independants
I urge everyone to think carefully before you vote as your parents/grandparents did. It’s 2023 in a couple of days, so let your New Year resolution be how you vote in the next provincial election.
God Bless and think of the future.

About irishroverpei

Author of "Lily & Me", "The Royal Navy & Me" and Chapter XXl Armageddon. Writer, blogger and RN Submariner, antique automobile enthusiast.
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